Monday, August 31, 2009

Week 2 - Mr. Squeakers

Week 2 - Mr. Squeakers
(8/23/09 - 8/29/09)

It is hard to believe that we already have a 2 week old little baby but it is already going too fast! I can see Paul and I now blinking and Andrew will be a year old!!!

This week is pretty much the same, as Paul likes to say Andrew doesn't really do anything but eat, sleep, and poop! ((GRIN)) But the funny thing about him is that while he sleeps he grunts and squeaks! So the already lack of sleep that Paul and I are getting is becoming less and less because of "Mr. Squeakers" as we have named him constantly making noise and waking us up. As any new parent knows when you have a newborn you have bionic ears and even the slightest noise, breath, or movement tends to wake you up. So the first night the squeaks started Paul and I were up almost all night making sure that Andrew was OK and that the squeaks and grunts weren't because of gas, or hunger, or wet diapers.

Now that we know what to expect from our little noise maker we have been able to ignore certain noises and try and get as much sleep as we can (if that is even possible)!

But in the meantime the first nickname of Andrews life has come to pass and hopefully "Mr. Squeakers" won't last too long......for all of our sanity's sake!